International Regulation
The Codex Alimentarius a publication of the Food and Agriculture Oraganization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) is the "single most important international reference point for developments associated with food standards." Outcomes of this document include
Codex is a compilation of standards, codes of practice, guidelines that deal with food quality and safety. The Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants is similar to the the US Infant Formula Act of 1980 and its revisions. The major difference is Codex standards are voluntary and non-binding.
International concerns for US citizens
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- greater global awareness of food quality and safety issues
- increased consumer protection
- scientifically sound standards
- outcome evaluation methods
Codex is a compilation of standards, codes of practice, guidelines that deal with food quality and safety. The Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants is similar to the the US Infant Formula Act of 1980 and its revisions. The major difference is Codex standards are voluntary and non-binding.
International concerns for US citizens
- We are a nation of immigrants. Problems with infant formula arise from well meaning family members who send formula from their countries to the US.
- In 2008, infant formula manufactured in China was found to be adulterated with melamine. While not being manufactured in the United States, small Asian retail establishments might sell the product, or young families may obtain a supply of the formula from home.
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